Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13, 2009: AP Servo Brackets Installation Complete

P. 39-03 & 4: Completed the AP servo bracket installation. No surprises and easy. Now back to the rest of the fuselage. Before I do, happy to report that I've rented a hangar for the RV12 at a nearby airport (12 miles away at Twin Oaks Airpark). New hangars being built and ready for move in January 1st. This will give me the room I need to mate the larger pieces, e.g. tailcone to fuselage.

December 12, 2009: Auto Pilot Install begun

P. 39-02. Began installation of auto pilot today. I have not mated the tailcone with the fuselage yet, and I am glad that I didn't. It has been much easier to work on the AP install with the fuselage on it's side. I used tin snips to remove the material from the F-1215-R seat rib and then took a file to complete the hole to the right size and to smooth. Used sandpaper to finish. I'm following the post-construction directions. It was necessary to buy a 90 degree angle drill attachment for my drill. I got a set from Avery's and it worked great! On step 2, directions call for removing one nutplate rivet. This is absolutely necessary to get the bolt head to be properly inserted into the rib and through the servo doubler. All went well and tomorrow I'll move on to page 39-03.