Pg. 21-10: F-1203A Bulkhead
I picked up from the last session on step 6 with the final drilling of 4 bulkhead holes as called out in "detail A." Using the uni-bit on the drill press worked great here and resulted in round correctly spaced holes. The tricky part was step 7. The hole that had "hatched area" to be removed with "dike/wire cutters", neither of which I had. So, I used snips to carefully make cuts in the hatched areas and was able to snip away a little at a time. The I used a file to finish. Wanting to be sure I had the hole correct, I read ahead in the plans to locate what was intended to go through the hole so I could use it to check size of hole. Unfortunately, I could not find a future reference to this hole (must be in the finishing kit section). Machine counter sinking of holes went fwd smoothly.
I primed the non-alcad F-1203C stub spar receptacle with the self-etching rattle can primer from NAPA.
Step 10 has you final drill #30 any holes in the process of putting the stub spar receptacle assembly together if the holes are too tight. I found that if I clecoed the parts together and then insterted a hole punch in the hole (like Jim Cones use of an awl) to sort of "wiggle" around, helped line up all the holes. No final drilling was necessary to make the parts fit.
I then moved to step 1 on p. 21-11, separating the 2 F-1203E Bulkhead Doublers and deburred. Before quiting for the night I installed these on the bulkhead, being sure to put them on the appropriate side of the bulkhead (very important!).
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