Today was spent on pg. 21-14. I installed the control column using tweezers! That's right, tweezers. It's a tight fit getting into the area to slide the bolt through, along with the appropriate washers. Following the directions which suggested using tape to hold the washers, I improvised a bit and taped the washers together (2 side by side, two sets per bolt) and used tweezers to position the washers while sliding the bolt into place. Worked Great!
Then moved onto step 2, more dimpling and deburring, to install the step ribs (pg. 21-14). All went well and the ribs are installed. Next, prepared the F-1202F bulkhead, clecoed into place (DO NOT RIVET).
Now, here is where it got interesting. The next step, step 7, calls for installing snap businging on bulkheads. One problemo, Bulkhead F-1204A is missing one hole and another is undersized. On the forum, JTE identified this back in December, but I did not remember it for when I got to this stage. I'm going to write to Van's and get a reply, in writing, so that I can include the reply in my builder's log. Then, onto the curve skins!
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