Page 23-03. After completing the fuel lines, I've returned to the fuselage skins. Step #1 tells you to MCS the top face of the F1205B roll bar plates. It calls for 5 holes to be #30, 120 degrees. I did this, but later, on page 23-06, figure 1 says to put CS4-4 rivets into 2 holes, one of which has been MSC and one has not. I went ahead and MCS the 2nd hole, making a total of 6 holes that are MSC. No surprises on p. 23-03 and onto p. 23-04.
P. 23-05 went well making the spar cutouts, not using the snips but the nibbler. Then used files and sand paper to clean up the sides for the wing spar penetration holes. Take care to make one skin the right fuselage side and the other the left. I didn't screw this up, but it would be very easy to create 2 left sides or 2 right sides.
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