Page 22-02, step 13 called for riveting nutplates to the fwd side of the firewall bottom (F-1201C) at the "Return Line Clamp" location.
Step 14 was the tricky enlargement of the hole betw the gascolator attach holes (see Fig. 4). Directions call for drawing cross hairs to be sure that you center and keep centered while using the unibit to enlarge the hole to 9/16. I drew the cross hairs and then applied the unibit. I thought I was starting to drift so I stoped and drilled a pilot #40 hole, then tried the unibit again. This time I stayed on task and ended with a good result.
At this point, I went ahead and riveted the 8 holes (CS4-4) through the bulkhead into the engine mount brackets.
Page 22-03:
Step 1-2, Fabricating the "rudder pedal support channels" and dimpling holes and nutplate holes. This was a surprise to me because I would have thought that with material this thick, Van's would have you MCS. Dimple I did and it worked well.
Step 3, dimple then rivet nutplates to the F-1201B firewall shelf and F-1257 rudder pedal support channels. Be careful here. There are some switch-ups in both the type of nutplate and the rivets to attach them. I used AD3-3.5 six times when the plans call for AD3-4. Not a big difference, but I started the recovery process and drilled about half of them back out, replacing with correct rivet. I'll finish this redo tomorrow.
1 comment:
Even though I do not understand much, I think your blog looks cool! Good luck on your plane!
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